Fall Study - Missional Disciple
Do you wonder how your faith intersects your work?
Do you wonder what your work has to do with mercy and justice?
Do you want to learn in-person in community this fall?
Do you want to be part of a spiritual formation experience which includes attuning to God's voice in your work?
If so, join us for The Missional Disciple, a course developed by Redeemer City to City and co-authored by Nashvillian and NIFW founder, Missy Wallace. Includes:
Short Weekly Readings
A Series of 15-minute homework videos and real case studies
Prayer Process
Actual exercises for your workplaces
Team taught by three professionals with over 30 years of work experience each in corporate, education and ministry settings; two have their executive coaching certifications.
What: A Cohort Learning Experience for The Missional Disciple
When: Mondays 5:30pm-7:30pm for 7 weeks starting September 30 (*select Tuesdays for public holidays)
Who: 8-15 group members spanning industries across Nashville
Cost: $150 (financial aid is available)
Cohort Size will be Capped - Register Today!
If you have any questions, please reach out to info@nifw.org.