Vocational Prayer: Through the overflow of your love, may we love those around us

“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” Romans 12:9-13

Heavenly Father, you are our good shepherd. We praise you for your sustaining and steadfast love. You are our provider and protector– you provide all that we need. We come before you today at the start of the week–preparing to enter the week ahead. Grant us the grace to see the work in our homes, jobs, and community as worship and service rendered to you. 

For us, as we step into this week, we pray for our hearts to be quickened toward gentleness and patience. Whatever the week holds for us with our families, homes, jobs, church, and community–grant us the resiliency and grace to navigate the days ahead. May the work that we do this week be our prayer to you. May we see our labors in our homes, in our jobs, and in our community as a means of Kingdom service–ultimately working for the good of our neighbors and for your glory. 

For our workplaces, as we enter into our vocations this week, align our hopes and longings with you, Oh Lord. Whether we serve in healthcare, finance, education, work from home, or work in the home–may those around us see more of you through our words and actions. Grant us tender hearts toward the unexpected stories we may encounter this week. Quicken our hearts to repent of our sin more than to defend our sin. May we seek reconciliation and peace over passivity in conflict. May the pace of our week be at the pace of your grace. 

For our communities, remind us, Oh Lord, that you have placed us in our homes, jobs, and communities in the kindness of your sovereignty–each one as a gift of grace. Keep us ever-mindful of who we are in you–rooted in our identity as image-bearers–seeing those around us as fellow image-bearers. Through the overflow of your love, may we love those around us.

For wherever you have placed us, may we be champions of compassion, extenders of grace, quick repenters serving with a humble boldness–ever pointing back to you. We know the days are long and the years are short. May our hearts ever be reminded that your love never fails, always sustains, never ends, and always prevails.

With hearts of thankfulness,
