What would you do if, you could no longer work due to missteps or misfortune?
“Parks & Rec” star Nick Offerman recognizes that his rise to success is often the exception to the rule. For so many others, meaningful work feels like it stops at failure.
But Offerman wants to help others find dignity even when failure enters the picture.
“Having the opportunity to simply work hard for wages in order to afford the basic comforts of life is a great privilege that many of us in this country enjoy and even taken for granted,” Offerman says in a support video for Would Works, a Los Angeles social enterprise empowering down and discouraged workers as they integrate back into the workforce.
Offerman is most widely known for his role as the gregarious and hard-lined Ron Swanson in the show.
“It’s giving people a chance at the simple dignity of doing good work.”
He also co-produced the documentary “Look & See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry” that both celebrates the universality of Berry’s writings and reflects on larger questions about how America’s changing landscapes and shifting agricultural values are affecting farmers today.
Much of Offerman’s efforts in supporting Would Works highlights the dignity found in all work.
“It’s not a charity,” Offerman says. “It’s giving people a chance at the simple dignity of doing good work.”
How are you stewarding your influence to affirm the dignity of all work in those around you?
You can view the full clip of Offerman’s Would Work support campaign below: